Lecture 8: Meta Tag, Responsive Web Design

To-do for today’s class


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Completed Files

Completed files are stored in a GitHub repository. Links below will take you to a list of file(s) from today’s lecture. You can view the code via the browser through GitHub’s UI or clone/download the repo to open the code from your computer.

Lecture 7: Fonts, Position Property

A supplemental recording was made for this lecture after the live lecture. Don’t forget to watch it here:  https://usc.zoom.us/rec/share/XhTzvR6HDV_DEa9DnLOSYUH938CJ_BNnXf8ORHZGajCtnXo2C5GaMjRYdlLQNY4C.F7D_w6UBgxTL9vJp?startTime=1614642101000 

To-do for today’s class


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Link to download PDF version.

Completed Files

Completed files are stored in a GitHub repository. Links below will take you to a list of file(s) from today’s lecture. You can view the code via the browser through GitHub’s UI or clone/download the repo to open the code from your computer.

Lecture 11: jQuery

This lecture was pre-recorded. Watch it here (youtube): https://youtu.be/11XLhlAxd1I

To-do for today’s class


Link to download PDF version.

Completed Files

Assignment 6: To Do List App


For this assignment, you will create a simple To Do List app using jQuery. This assignment will also help you review your HTML and CSS skills in preparation for the upcoming midterm exam.

Suggested approach: start with HTML first and make the delete / add functionalities work. Work on styling at the very end. Following the requirements step by step is highly recommended.


Note: Samples below don’t always meet all the requirements. Make sure to follow the requirements rather than solely relying on the samples.


Note: Steps 1-3 are from this week’s lab. If you have submitted the lab, make copies of the lab files for assignment 6. Do not modify lab files past the lab deadline!

  1. Code set-up
    1. Create a new .html file, .css file and .js file.
    2. Include the jQuery library in your .html file.
    3. Write all your CSS in the .css file.
      1. Link your .css file into the .html file.
    4. Write all your JavaScript in the .js file.
      1. You can add your .js file in your .html file by using <script src="name_of_file.js"></script>
      2. Use jQuery for all your DOM manipulation and event listening. You will write very little vanilla JS.
      3. Note you can still use JavaScript along with jQuery. For example:
        $("button").on("click", function() {
            let isOn = true; // JS way of creating variables
            if( isOn == true) { // JS way of if/else statements
                $("input").val("The app is on");
  2. Today’s weather information is displayed at the top of the page.
    1. Use Weatherbit.io’s API to get this information. You will need to create a free account to obtain an API key.
    2. Read over the documentation to find out how to get the weather in Los Angeles.
    3. Get the temperature, a description, and the apparent temperature (“feels like”).
    4. The temperature must be in Fahrenheit.
  3. To Do list structure
    1. Create a container that will hold all your to do list items. The container should be between 400 – 600px wide.
    2. At the top of the list, add a heading that reads “To Do List.” Add a background color of your choosing.
    3. Below the heading, add an input area that allows users to type in a to do item here.
      1. Include a placeholder that reads “Add to-do item here”.
      2. Do not add a “Submit” button.
    4. Below the input area, create a list of to do items using the <ul> tag. By default, have at least three items hardcoded.
  4. Change the city and remember the city
    1. Add a dropdown at the top of the to do list. Add three cities of your choices as options in the dropdown (Los Angeles can be one of them).
    2. When user changes the dropdown, call the Weatherbit API again and get the weather for the city that the user selected.
    3. Save the city that the user chose last in Local Storage.
    4. When the page is refreshed, the city selected in the dropdown must be the city that the user chose last (retrieve from local storage. Web Storage was covered in lecture #8).
  5. Deleting an item
    1. Have three items hardcoded in so that you can easily test the delete function.
    2. When a user clicks on the to do item text (not the square), change the color of the item and strike it out. Both of these changes can be done using CSS properties. When a user clicks on the to do item text again, change the text style back to normal.
    3. When a user clicks on the square (or X if you have not replaced it with a square icon yet) next to the to do item, remove the to do list item entirely from the DOM.
      1. Fade out the item before removing it.
      2. Hint: there is a jQuery method that removes DOM elements.
    4. The to do item must be removed ONLY when the square is clicked.
    5. If the item is not crossed out and a user clicks on the square button, do not cross out the item when it is removed. The item must only be removed and not crossed out.
  6. Adding an item
    1. A to do item is added to the bottom of the list when a user types into the input area and presses the ENTER key. There is no button to submit this information.
      1. Hint #1: Forms get submitted when user presses ENTER key.
      2. Hint #2: jQuery has a method that allows you to easily append items.
    2. After adding an item, try to delete the item that was just added. You may find that you cannot delete the dynamically created item. Read about Event Delegation and Event Propagation here to help you solve this problem: http://learn.jquery.com/events/event-delegation/
  7. Styling
    1. Icons – The square icon and plus icon shown in the sample are from the icon library Font Awesome here: https://fontawesome.com/
      1. Read the documentation to learn how to load Font Awesome library into your code and how to use a specific icon.
      2. You are free to use any icons you wish. You do NOT have to use the square or plus icon shown in the sample, but do pick icons that make sense 🙂
    2. Font Family – Choose a font family that is not a default web font (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman). Google Fonts is a great resource.
    3. Colors – Choose your own colors. Colors do not need to match the given sample.
      1. Add a background color for the whole browser.
      2. Add a background color where you display the weather information.
    4. Hover effect – When a user hovers over any of the list items, change its background color to a color of your choosing.
    5. Box-shadow – Not discussed in lecture before, but it is a neat CSS property that enhances the look of the list. Add a box shadow around the container of the to do list.
      1. Read more about the box-shadow property at MDN.
      2. A quick google search will reveal many sites that generate box-shadow effects for you.
  8. The plus icon
    1. When the plus icon is clicked, show / hide the input area.
    2. Add an effect so that it feels the input area is sliding up and down. See sample for details.
  9. Web Storage
    1. Add/remove to do items to local storage so that if the user closes the browser tab and comes back to it, the to do items are still saved.


Submission/Upload to the server

Please follow the submission requirements below carefully. You will be deducted points for not following submission requirements to the teeth.

  1. Open FileZilla and connect to the itpwebdev server as you have done in Lab 1 (click File -> Site Manager). If you forgot how to connect, follow this guide on how to connect and upload files to the itpwebdev web server.
  2. After you have successfully connected to the itpwebdev server, created a folder (aka directory) named assignment6 inside the public_html folder. Then upload this assignment HTML file and images to the assignment6 folder. Refer to the guide if you’re not sure how to upload the assignment file.
  3. In your browser, go to http://303.itpwebdev.com/~yourusername/assignment6/todolist.html to check that the assignment file has been uploaded correctly.
  4. One last thing. In your computer, open up student_page.html that you created in Lab 1. Add a link to this assignment to student_page.html under the heading “Assignments” so that the TAs can easily access your completed assignment.
  5. Upload the updated student_page.html to the itpwebdev server via FileZilla inside the public_html folder. If it asks you want to overwrite the previous file, click Yes.
  6. (Optional) If you are having trouble uploading to the server and cannot upload on time, add all files for this assignment in a folder, compress it as a .zip file and upload it to Blackboard. On Blackboard, go to Assignments -> Assignment 6: To Do List. You will get some points deducted for not uploading correctly but at least you will not get a zero.

Lab 6: To Do List Starter


This lab is intended to help start your Assignment 6. Refer to the assignment requirements while you are working on this lab.



  1. Code set-up
    1. Create the following new files:
      1.  todolist.html file,
      2. style.css file, and
      3. main.js file.
    2. Include the jQuery library in your .html file.
    3. Write all your CSS in the .css file.
      1. Link your .css file into the .html file.
    4. Write all your JavaScript in the .js file.
      1. You can add your .js file in your .html file by using <script src="name_of_file.js"></script>
      2. Use jQuery for all your DOM manipulation and event listening. You will write very little pure JS.
      3. Note you can still use JavaScript along with jQuery. For example:
        $("button").on("click", function() {
            let isOn = true; // JS way of creating variables
            if( isOn == true) { // JS way of if/else statements
                $("input").val("The app is on");
  2. Simple HTML structure
    1. Before working on adding/deleting items or styling the app, create a basic HTML structure that will help you start the assignment.
    2. Create an area at the top of the page with some text about today’s weather. A placeholder is fine for now.
    3. Below the weather information, create a container that will hold all your to do list items. Make this container somewhere between 400 and 600px wide.
    4. At the top of the to do list, create a heading that displays “To Do List.”
    5. Below the heading, add an input area that allows users to type in a to do item here.
    6. Below the input, use the <ul> tag to create a list of at least three to do items.
    7. Within the list item, add a placeholder for the “square” icon. This can simply be a character for now (In the sample, it is the X). Later, you can replace this character with the icon from Font Awesome library.
  3. Simple CSS
    1. In your newly created .css file, add some basic CSS to help you get started.
    2. Add a border around the weather and to do list.
    3. Set a width to the weather and to do list.
    4. Center the weather and to do list to the browser.
    5. That’s sufficient for the lab. Feel free to add more CSS if you’d like.
  4. Weather API information is displayed at the top of the page.
    1. Get Los Angeles’s weather information from the Weatherbit.io’s API. Sign up for a free account to obtain an API key.
    2. Read their documentation to find out how to get Los Angeles’ current temperature (in Fahrenheit), a short weather description and the apparent temperature (what it “feels like”).
      1. Start by looking for the endpoint of the API. What’s the URL you need to hit to communicate with this service?
    3. Use jQuery’s ajax method get the information from Weatherbit.
Submission/Upload to the server

Please follow the submission requirements below carefully. You will be deducted points for not following submission requirements to the teeth.

  1. Open FileZilla and connect to the itpwebdev server as you have done in Lab 1 (click File -> Site Manager). If you forgot how to connect, follow this guide on how to connect and upload files to the itpwebdev web server.
  2. After you have successfully connected to the itpwebdev server, created a folder (aka directory) named lab6 inside the public_html folder. Then upload this assignment HTML file and images to the lab6 folder. Refer to the guide if you’re not sure how to upload the assignment file.
  3. In your browser, go to http://303.itpwebdev.com/~yourusername/lab6/todolist.html to check that the assignment file has been uploaded correctly.
  4. One last thing. In your computer, open up student_page.html that you created in Lab 1. Add a link to this assignment to student_page.html under the heading “Assignments” so that the TAs can easily access your completed assignment.
  5. Upload the updated student_page.html to the itpwebdev server via FileZilla inside the public_html folder. If it asks you want to overwrite the previous file, click Yes.
  6. (Optional) If you are having trouble uploading to the server and cannot upload on time, add all files for this assignment in a folder, compress it as a .zip file and upload it to Blackboard. On Blackboard, go to Assignments -> Lab 6: To Do List Starter. You will get some points deducted for not uploading correctly but at least you will not get a zero.

Midterm: Client-Side Information

Midterm: Client-Side Information

When & Where: Online, through Gradescope.com can start the exam between Thu, 3/4 12:00 pm PST to Fri, 3/5 11:59 pm PST.

Length & Format: 80 minutes, online exam.

Topics: Everything taught from the first day of class to jQuery (covered on 2/2)

Types of Questions: 

  • Multiple choice – select one answer
  • Multiple choice – select all that apply
  • True/False
  • Fill in the blank
  • Short Code

How to take the exam:

  • Log in to gradescope.com. You will need to create an account if you haven’t already with your USC email address.
  • Once you have logged in, you should see two “Online Assignments” for ITP 303.
  • Take the “Practice Gradescope Exam” first. It is a very short and simple practice exam just so you can get familiar with taking an exam on Gradescope.
  • Then take the “Midterm: Client-side Exam” — this is the real exam.
  • For the short code questions, write your code on Sublime Text or another text editor first. Then copy-paste the answers to gradescope. This will help maintain the format of the code (e.g. indentation) and also you can run your code before submitting it.
  • Have questions during the exam? Because you are allowed to take the exam at any time, we will be unable to answer questions you have during the exam like you would in a physical setting. Make your best-educated guess and for really uncertain questions make a note about it separately and email it to the instructor after the exam.

Important Notes:

  • This is an open-book exam. You may use notes, slides, and online resources. The only thing you CANNOT do is collaborate with any human beings on this exam. Do not discuss with anyone about the exam. Your exam must be completed on your own, by yourself.
    • Any suspicion of collaboration will be reported to SJACS.
  • I highly recommend you create one single reference sheet instead of scouring your notes/slides/etc during the exam. This is a timed test so you want to limit time wasted on looking stuff up.
  • No questions about any specific third-party API will be asked (e.g. What’s the endpoint used to get the latest playing movie from the Movie DB API?). You do not need to know a specific third-party API’s methods, endpoints, etc.
  • You’ll be notified via Piazza when a study guide and practice exam is available.


  • Anything that appeared on the lecture or the slides is fair game. The best way to study for this exam is to review the code from lectures and your labs and assignments and review what each line of the code does. Rewriting some of the code is very helpful.
  • Review the links under Helpful Reading under each lecture notes to get a deeper understanding of topic(s) taught in that lecture. You do not need to know everything from the links included in Resources, but the resources will help you understand the core material better.



Lecture 6: Compound CSS Selectors, Display, Pseudo-Classes

For this lecture (2/22), join Prof. Zune Nguyen’s 3:30 – 4:50pm lecture. Zoom info:


If you are unable to join at this time, a recording of the lecture can be found here: https://usc.zoom.us/rec/share/Hr9rPxCOl5cIBJejyo87OHsItgJ23AMj6fkg0wE8RbTc1-UuRqx7NPpkRzCfMTt7.McBRsXc2hI32dBwj

To-do for today’s class


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Link to download PDF version.

Completed Files

Completed files are stored in a GitHub repository. Links below will take you to a list of file(s) from today’s lecture. You can view the code via the browser through GitHub’s UI or clone/download the repo to open the code from your computer.

Lecture 10: JSON, AJAX, Third-Party Web APIs

This lecture was pre-recorded. Watch it here (youtube): https://youtu.be/KU4Rhx2k8cA

To-do for today’s class

Helpful Readings


Link to download PDF version.

Completed Files

Lecture 5: Tables, Forms

For this lecture (2/17), join Prof. Zune Nguyen’s 3:30 – 5pm lecture. Zoom info:


Meeting ID: 923 1878 4767
Passcode: p4enwLb2Y8

If you were unable to join during the time, watch the lecture recording here: https://usc.zoom.us/rec/share/uBXR0eBopEN_YdfK6T-jcJa3FkLGQp0aZUXlU5rsqdFwTMwzHZnQLTU8JdHXC8Sd.LWOH6bangAcL7fQN?startTime=1613604355000

To-do for today’s class

  • Create a brand new HTML file.


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Link to download PDF version.

Completed Files

Completed files are stored in a GitHub repository. Links below will take you to a list of file(s) from today’s lecture. You can view the code via the browser through GitHub’s UI or clone/download the repo to open the code from your computer.