Lab 9: PHP Form Output


This assignment will help you get more practice with PHP syntax, form variables, and conditional statements


See working sample here:

If not sure how to address certain edge cases, try out the sample and match your output to what the same outputs.


  1. Download starter file.
  2. Form Page (form.php)
    1. Fill out <form> tag’s action and method attributes appropriately. 
    2. When this form is submitted, it will run submit_form.php.
  3. Form Output / Submission Page (submit_form.php)
    1. Perform all validation as needed.
      1. If any of the fields are not filled out (except Flavor), display Not provided” message in red.
      2. Tip: The provided HTML pages are using Bootstrap. Therefore, you can use CSS class text-danger for red text and the class text-success for green text.
    2. Show a message with current date & time in following format:
      1. This form was submitted on [weekday], [month] [day], [year] at [time].
        1. Example: This form was submitted on Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 03:15:14 PM.
        2. For the hour, use 12-hour format (not 24) with leading zeros.
      2. Use Los Angeles timezone.
      3. Refer to the PHP official documentation and search for the date function to see how to get the formatting exactly right.
    3. Display following values in submit_form.php after the form is submitted:
Submission/Upload to the server

Please follow the submission requirements below carefully. You will be deducted points for not following submission requirements to the teeth.

  1. Open a browser and go to (it will redirect you to
  2. Login with your username and password (this password does not sync with your USC NETID password. You set this password in Lab 1. If you don’t remember your password, post on EdStem and a course staff member will reset it for you).
  3. Scroll down to Files section and click on File Manager. You will see a list of folders and files like below.
  4. Double click to navigate inside the public_html folder.
  5. Create a new folder inside the public_html folder by clicking on the +Folder button on the top left.
  6. Name the folder lab09. Double click it to navigate inside this folder.
  7. Click on “Upload” to upload all lab files to this folder.
  8. Drag and drop all lab files to upload into this folder.
  9. In your browser, go to to check that the assignment file has been uploaded correctly.
  10. One last thing. In your computer, open up student_page.html that you created in Lab 2. Add a link to this assignment to student_page.html under the heading “Labs” so that the graders can easily access your completed assignment.
  11. Re-upload the updated student_page.html to the itpwebdev server via cPanel -> Files -> File Manager. If it asks you want to overwrite the previous file, click Yes.
  12. If all the above is completed, go to your student page at and check that the link to this assignment is there. The TAs/graders use this link to access your assignment so make sure this is working! Below is a screenshot sample of what it should look like.
  13. (Optional) If you are having trouble uploading to the server and cannot upload on time, add all files for this assignment in a folder, compress it as a .zip file and upload it to Blackboard. On Blackboard, go to Assignments/Labs -> Lab 9: PHP Form Output. You will get some points deducted for not uploading correctly but at least you will not get a zero.