Lecture 6: Compound CSS Selectors, Display, Pseudo-Classes

For this lecture (2/22), join Prof. Zune Nguyen’s 3:30 – 4:50pm lecture. Zoom info:


If you are unable to join at this time, a recording of the lecture can be found here: https://usc.zoom.us/rec/share/Hr9rPxCOl5cIBJejyo87OHsItgJ23AMj6fkg0wE8RbTc1-UuRqx7NPpkRzCfMTt7.McBRsXc2hI32dBwj

To-do for today’s class


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Completed Files

Completed files are stored in a GitHub repository. Links below will take you to a list of file(s) from today’s lecture. You can view the code via the browser through GitHub’s UI or clone/download the repo to open the code from your computer.